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Horse Show Ribbons

Ribbons are the most common prize awarded in horse shows. Riders compete against each other in the hopes of being pinned. 

A judge decides which ribbons are awarded to riders, typically placing 6 riders per class (sometimes more or less than 6, depends on the show).

Curation of stages and set times take months to plan and develop. There is a lot of back and forth between artists and agents about preferences and availabilities.

Setting the Stage


Blue ribbons are given for 1st place, best of the class. They are worth 7 points.

Red ribbons are given for 2nd place. They are worth 5 points.

Yellow ribbons are given for 3rd place. They are worth 4 points.

White ribbons are given for 4th place. They are worth 3 points.

Pink ribbons are given for 5th place. They are worth 2 points.

Green ribbons are given for 6th place. They are worth 1 point.

Many shows award Champion and Reserve Champion to the top point earners in a division.