Unicorn Drink Float Party Favors + Printable Tags

Having a pool or beach themed party? How about a unicorn or pony themed party? No matter what the occasion, these unicorn drink float party favors are so very easy to make! Grab our printable favor tags below and tie them onto the floats. That’s it!

Unicorn Drink Float HERO

Unicorn Drink Float Party Favors

I was cruising the aisles of my local dollar store and came upon some fun drink inflatables. Have you seen these? They are small floaties that you inflate by blowing air into. They can hold a drink like a can of soda or juice box.

I picked up a couple of the unicorn drink floats (I found similar ones online here!) and knew they would make fun pool party favors.

Keep these favors in mind for your next party!

Take a look at our other DIY posts while you’re here.

Drink Float Favor Supplies

To make these unicorn party favors, you will need:

Get the printable: Unicorn Float Party Tags

NOTE: This file is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may NOT sell the digital file or sell the printed work. You may NOT redistribute the digital file or printed work.

Unicorn Pool Float Tags Supplies

How to Assemble Favors

Put these favors together in just minutes. Follow the steps below!

1. Print out our tags. Each page has 9 tags – print however many you need. I recommend printing these tags on white cardstock to make them a little sturdier than regular paper.

2. Cut out tags and punch a hole at the top of each tag.

Unicorn Float Tag Hole Punched

3. Use twine or ribbon to tie a tag to each inflatable. Add a drink to each float. That’s it!

Unicorn Pool Floats with Capri Sun Juices

Don’t they look great?

You can line up these favors on a table with the party food or you could totally float them in a pool (be it a big swimming pool or a smaller kiddie pool)!

If you use our tags for favors, let us know how they turned out for you! If you post a picture to social media, feel free to tag us – we’d love to see our tags in action! 


Unicorn Drink Float Favors PIN

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