Pet Bath Sprayer Review: Willcrew Soap Hose Shower for Horse Bathing

If you have ever fumbled around with the hose, buckets, sponges, shampoo and brushes just to give your horse a bath, check out this review. We tried out the Willcrew Soap Hose Shower on our horses and ponies and are back to give you a full report on how it went!

Horse Bath Hose Sprayer HERO

There are many things that we love about our horses. Giving them a bath, however, is not one of them. Two of our four horses HATE being bathed, so right off the bat, we know that it will be a less-than-pleasant experience. The other two don’t seem to mind a nice soaking shower, however it is still a process that takes time. For a typical horse bath, you can find us hauling buckets, shampoo bottles, the hose, and sponges into the yard to prepare for the event.

Bathing horses is a necessary evil, as it is good to give your horses a thorough deep clean with soap and even conditioner if you choose.

Soap Dispensing Hose Sprayer

One day I was scrolling Facebook and noticed an ad for a soap dispensing hose sprayer. This product was specifically branded as a product to use on horses. Intrigued, I popped over to their website and took a look. The product was a sprayer that attached to most standard garden hoses. It came with a small plastic soap cup that screwed into the bottom of the sprayer. When turned onto “soap” mode via the dial on top of the sprayer, soap would dispense along with water from the nozzle.

It looked like a great way to soap up a horse and, depending on your water pressure, seemed to be able to replace scrubbing almost entirely.

The deal breaker? THE PRICE.  Ouch! This product was on sale for about $55 and listed the regular price as over $100. That was more than I was willing to pay for something that might work and also might break.

Willcrew Soap Hose Shower

So, after seeing that ad, I did what any well meaning consumer might do: I hopped over to amazon to see what they had. It turns out, there were a bunch of nearly identical sprayers to choose from at MUCH lower prices.

I finally settled on the Willcrew Soap Hose Shower for just under $20. I figured that at that price, if it worked, great. If it didn’t work well or if it broke after a short while, at least I hadn’t spend $50+.

What’s in the Box?

  • sprayer
  • car wash mitt
  • quick connector
  • (2) soap reservoir bottles
  • (2) rubber gaskets

Willcrew Sprayer Whats in Box

Suggested Uses for Product

  • Pet washing
  • Car washing
  • Garden watering

Types of Spray

  • mist
  • cone
  • rinse
  • stream
  • flat
  • center
  • jet
  • shower

Setting Up the Sprayer

This sprayer is pretty much ready to use right out of the box. Take a look at the assembled sprayer. It is light and compact. The sprayer trigger self locks when you squeeze it which I really like. This feature makes it easy to turn off the water quickly.

Hose Sprayer with Soap Holder

You can go from water mode to soap mode with the click of the dial on top.

Hose Sprayer Setting

Horse Bathing with High Pressure Hose Nozzle Sprayer

Let’s put this thing to work!

We took the sprayer out to the barn and hooked it up easily to our hose. After a quick test spray on “water” mode, we were ready to fill it with soap. We filled up the soap reservoir bottle with horse shampoo.

Spraying Water Shower Mode Hose

Mane n Tail Shampoo

Soap in Sprayer

Our smallest pony was the first one to get a bath. She does NOT love baths and so the quicker you can clean her, the better.

She got a thorough rinse on “water” mode and then it was time to try the soap mode. Would you look at that?? It WORKS!  Check out the soap lather that the sprayer produced. The high pressure shower spray did a nice job getting the soap into her coat. We did not need to scrub her with a brush or sponge.

Soap Sprayer on Pony

Next up was a good rinse and while I can’t say that she was happy, she was clean! Here’s a picture of her after her body was scrubbed but before we got to her mane:

Clean Pony

Next up, our larger pony, who actually rather enjoys a good bath.

Just like before, this sprayer worked great!

We were able to give her a good soaking, followed by a sudsing (is that a word?) and then a rinse.

Soap Sprayer on Palomino

For our final act, we filled the soap reservoir back up but with conditioner. We gave her tail a soaking and conditioning. The sprayer worked very well for this and we loved how convenient it was. No buckets! That was probably my  favorite part.

Conditioner on Pony Tail

After each pony was bathed, we grabbed our sweat scraper and gave her a thorough scraping. We are in the middle of summer here and the flies are biting like crazy. The sweat scraper is essential as we try to get any excess water off the ponies. (The water attracts the flies even more!) If we can, we typically wait until later in the day (ideally after the sun starts to go down) to give the horses their baths. This time of day seems to have fewer flies.

Final Thoughts

We really had zero expectations when we ordered the Willcrew High Pressure Hose Nozzle Sprayer to give our horses their baths. It sounded like a convenient alternative to traditional horse bathing. All in all, we were very pleasantly surprised with this product! You can tell that the plastic is not super rugged and my guess is that one decent drop on the cement or stones will result in a fatal crack or other damage. We are going to try to take care of it and see how long it lasts!

If you dislike dealing with sponges and buckets, give this sprayer a try. We thought it worked as advertised and made bathing the horses easier that ever.

If you do end up trying this product, let us know that you thought! Drop us a comment and let us know what YOUR experience was like! 

Pony Hose Sprayer TALL


Hose Sprayer Horse Bath PIN

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