The elf on the shelf is popping up all over the place once again. Guess where we found him? Immersed in a holiday barn scene with some of our Breyer horses! Grab our printable background for your elf to set up a festive scene like this one.
Elf on the Shelf Horse Ideas
Our elf on the shelf has returned for another year of silly fun and where is the first place that we found him hiding? In the barn! No, no, not the realĀ barn… but he was hanging out in a holiday themed barn scene with some of our Breyer horses.
This simple equine themed scene came together in just a few minutes!
Round up a few props (or make your elf do it) and you’re ready to go.
Horse Barn Elf Scene Supplies
Here’s what you’ll need:
- Elf
- Toy horses
- Printable barn background
- Scissors
- Tape
- Optional: small prop present(s), fairy lights, polymer clay horse treats
Setting the Scene
The printable background is an easy-to-open PDF file. The scene prints on a regular piece of printer paper, sized 8.5×11 inches. Cut out the background and tape it to the wall area of your choice. Our elf set this scene up on the top of the piano.
I highly recommend using a sturdy background (like a wall!) for this setup. Place the scenery out of reach of small hands – remember: no touching the elf! If you happen to have other toy horse barn accessories, feel free to add them to the scene!
Optional fairy lights look super festive when they are strung across the top of the background!
I hope that your elf has fun with this horsey scene! Let us know how it turned out!
Stay tuned for more elf horse ideas to come.