Check out this easy tutorial for a funny DIY Halloween craft that only horse people can truly understand and appreciate! Make these spooky pumpkins (featuring some of the silliest things horses tend to be (very!) afraid of) and decorate your barn or home with them! I have also included a free printable below with the images that I used for our pumpkins, in case you would like to use them as well.
Horses Spook at the Silliest Things
If you have spent any fraction of time around horses, you know how spookable they can be. And for some reason, they tend to be spooked and scared by the smallest, most innocuous of items. This is especially true when you are riding. That lawn ornament that your horse grazes next to every single day? No biggie. But the second you try riding the horse past the same object? Look out.
Over the years, our horses have spooked at anything and everything including:
- umbrellas
- balloons
- rain
- wind
- camera flashes
- plastic bags
- loud noises
- trees
- imaginary dinosaurs (hehe)
- birds, bugs and butterflies
- vehicles
- basketballs
- puddles
- dogs and cats
- deer
- kids running near the ring
- traffic cones
And the list goes on!
So we are attempting to make a bit light of this spooky situation and turn it into a funny DIY barn decoration.
DIY Horse Spooky Pumpkins
We were shopping last month and found some adorable fake pumpkins at a local liquidator store. Normally $3 at Target, these cuties were just $1 each. We heaved an armful into our cart with reckless abandon. I had no idea what I might do with them, but at that price, I couldn’t just leave them there.
Once we got home, we started brainstorming some design ideas for our pumpkins.
The phrase “spooky pumpkins” came up, which made my daughter think of horses spooking and well, the idea just unraveled from there.
You see, these SPOOKY PUMPKINS are only spooky to HORSES! They feature images of all things that horses might spook at, even though they are among the most non-scary items to the rest of us. We thought that these pumpkins would make some really funny barn decorations. Anyone who has any horse experience will get a chuckle out of them!
Horse Spooky Pumpkin Supplies
To replicate these pumpkins, you will need the following supplies:
- Foam or plastic pumpkins (Look at your local craft or big box store. The pumpkins we used were originally sold by Target.)
- Double-sided tape
- Scissors
- Our printable file
NOTE: This file is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. You may NOT sell the digital file or sell the printed work. You may NOT redistribute the digital file or printed work.
How to Make
Crafting does not get much easier than this!
Simply cut out the shapes and affix them to the pumpkins with double-sided tape.
You will notice in my pictures above that my images do not lay flat on the pumpkins. I probably could have glued them down if I really wanted them to lay flat, but I loved the sort-of-3-dimenstional look that the pumpkins ended up having with the images sitting off of the pumpkin a bit.
Feel free to arrange them however they look best to you!
We put our spooky pumpkins out in the barn and they definitely make a fun decoration to enjoy during Halloween season!
If you give these pumpkin decorations a try, let us know how they worked out for you! Do you decorate your barn for Halloween? Drop us a comment and tell us about it!